Mata Chanan Devi Hospital C-1, Janakpuri, New Delhi -110058
+ (91) - (11) - 45582000/10
The department of CTVS was established in the year 2000. The new Cardiac OT and Cardiac ICU were built then. After establishing the department, closed heart and vascular operations commenced in 2001 and shortly the Open Heart Surgery programme picked up. Since then the department has come a long way.
Presently the department is headed by Dr. M.A. Umre, Consultant Cardiovascular Surgeon, who is trained from AIIMS and was formerly HOD and Prof of CTVS in VMMC and Safdurjang Hospital.
Dr. Vikas Jadhav is working as a resident doctor in CTVS.
The department has fully devoted Cardiac OT with state of art technology Equipments like heart lung machine, TCM, IABP, Anesthesia Workstation.
Cardiac ICU is equipped with all the required gadgets.
Till date we have done more than 200 operations which comprise of CABG, Valvular, and Vascular operations.
The department has been holding CME and updates regularly.