Mata Chanan Devi Hospital C-1, Janakpuri, New Delhi -110058
+ (91) - (11) - 45582000/10
Rehabilitation is an important phase in the treatment of all human sufferings. Physiotherapy is a dynamic profession, which uses the treatment techniques to restore movement and functions within the body.
Goal of Rehabilitation Team is to help achieve optimal recovery of function and improve the quality of life.
MCDH is staffed by physiotherapists who diagnose and treat individuals of all ages from newborn to the elderly having medical problems, illnesses or injuries that limit their abilities to perform functional activities.
The major work of the department is associated with the department of orthopaedic, neuro- medicine, neuro surgery, paediatrics including neurology and other medical and surgical department.
8.00 TO 1:00PM
4:00 TO 6:00PM